Abusive Father: What mothers need to do

Being in an abusive relationship can have severe consequences on one’s physical and mental health. This is especially true for mothers who have the added responsibility of shielding their kids from daily confrontations with their husbands which can quickly take an ugly turn. Consistent exposure to such heated encounters can have traumatic effects on a child’s physiological and psychological wellbeing. This can not only alter their behavioral pattern to make them short tempered and unsure of themselves but can also affect their self-esteem and focus. According to research children who frequently witnessed or experienced abuse are less likely to do well in class and to apply for higher education once they graduate high school. There are cases where fathers get drunk and everything falls apart. 

Children and domestic abuse continue to be hot topics among parenting experts. According to them in a domestic violence situation where the husband is a repeat offender it is understandable for women to take drastic measures to ensure the safety of their children. This can include physically protecting their children from a physical assault by taking radical actions like using pepper spray or tasers to more thoughtful actions like calling 911 or social services. Let’s take a look at what mother’s can do to ensure their kids’ safety and prevent further exposure to hostile situations at home:

Call Child Protection Services

Calling Child Protection Services or CPS as they are more commonly known can be a positive step for mothers looking to ensure their child’s wellbeing. The agency can exist under a different name depending on your state of origin but they basically aim to provide the same service: to protect kids who are victims of abuse or neglect.

Seek help from neighbors, relatives and friends

If mothers feel that things are quickly going from bad to worse in a heated argument and can potentially result in the father physically assaulting both the mother and child then relocating to a friend or a relative’s place can be a good idea. Neighbors offer proximity advantage and shelter till proper help can arrive at the scene.

National Domestic Violence Helpline

When it comes to protecting children from domestic violence mothers have the option of calling the National Domestic Violence Helpline on 0802 2000 247. Jointly managed by the Women’s Aid; NDVH offers shelter and advice to mothers so that best possible decision can be taken to ensure the child’s wellbeing.

Alternatively, mothers can seek shelter at a Refuge to reduce interaction with a violent father. Timely intervention and measures by mothers can go a long way to make certain that their kids have a bright and a safe future to look forward to.

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