How to Raise a Bully-Proof Kid?

No one wants his kids to face bullying, but still every year thousands of kids become victim to this menace of endemic proportions. Most of the schools teach students how to prevent bullying, which is a good thing. However, it’s even better is to raise a bully-proof kid, but the question is how? We’ve prepared a brief guideline for parents to help them raise strong, healthy, confident and brave kids who know how to deal with bullying efficiently and effectively.

Develop Strong Bonding as a Family

Your kid will follow every single move you make so it’s best to be cautious right from the start. A lot of stuff is available online on bullying and teenagers, but you need to realize that teenagers are not the only target of bullying. It starts right from childhood. Parents must develop strong bonding as a family where everyone respects and cares for others, and no one feels inferior or uses power to get things done. If parents start giving orders to kids or use force to get things done, then it will send them a message that power and violence can let you do anything with anyone. There is a high chance that they too will start using their power or violence to bully kids who are physically and mentally weaker.

Let them face Problems

Most parents are protective towards the kids. It is their natural instinct, but it needs to be changed, at least for some time. It is not always good to help the kid every time he gets stuck in a difficult situation. This will make them dependant on you. The kids will never be able to face real-life problems bravely, which will create problems in teen years and even after it. So, let the kid handle his problems unless you think the problem is really serious and requires your intervention. This will make kids independent, confident and strong so that they can face bullies and face them without losing their self esteem.

Develop Anger Management Skills in them

Parents must teach anger management skills to kids right from an early age so that they may not turn into a bully themselves. If not vented, anger can cause a person to do things he regrets afterwards. Kids should be taught that whenever they feel angry and exhausted, they should go to someplace calm and sit alone for a while until their mood becomes normal. Another good way of overcoming anger is to do anything interesting such as watch cartoons or a tv show they like, playing video games, going out for a walk, etc.

Let them Socialize

Some parents do not like the idea of kids getting social, thinking that the latter do not know enough about people, relations and friendship. Although parents are right about it, they must understand that kids must be given a chance to mingle with other kids of their age as it is the only way they can develop emotional intelligence. Kids who are social and have more friend right from the start face fewer problems during their teen years and adult life as they are surrounded by positive people who love and care for them.

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