Learn How to Monitor Kids Text Messages to Protect Them

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If you are wondering if you should monitor and read your kids’ text messages, then there is no absolute answer to this. Monitoring their digital activities depends on their age, behavior, and personality. The most important thing every parent wants to convey is to make them aware that whatever they type can be shared with other people. So, this is the time that parents need to learn how to monitor kids text messages.


Giving them mobile phones has become a must for this time as you need to make sure they are fine wherever they are. You need to give them the facilities to fulfill their educational needs through the internet as well, and you need to keep them up-to-date. But, with all these perks come inevitable issues. There are plenty of digital threats that are hovering around your kid’s head from the moment they start using the internet.


Still, many parents find it hard to monitor their kid's phone because of the freedom and trust. However, there are ways in which you can keep their trust and monitor them at the same time. If you think there is no need to monitor them right now, maybe you should consider things that are going around you.


Why Should You Monitor Your Kid's Phone?


This all depends on how well you know your kid. Small changes in their behavior can indicate big changes and account for bigger consequences later. So, keep an eye on the following things if you want to make sure your kid is okay:


1. Excessive Use of Phone


If you are noticing them using their phones excessively, it is time to know what might be the reason. Are they talking to some stranger? Are they stuck in something that has caught their absolute attention? Especially, when you have told them not to use it late at night, you find them sneaking into their beds with their smartphones in their hands. So, this is a good reason to start monitoring their device immediately.


2. Sexting


If you are not sure about your kids’ preferences and connections, you need to be aware of that. Sexting is one of the most common practices among youth now. They do it for fun, to flirt, to enhance the bond of their relationships and stuff.


Although you believe that your kid is not involved in any such activities, there is a good chance that he might be. Since it has become so common among them, every other teen is being attracted to it either by their partners or by their will. So, it is better to monitor them before it is too late. At least you will know what type of activities and texting are they involved in.


3. Harassers


It all starts from a simple social media post or personal message and soon it is taken to text messages. Strangers get the attention of kids through glittery posts, comments, and messages. Kids being impulsive and emotional soon start trusting them and invite them to their chat.


From here, this can move forward to a personal meeting, address sharing, and stuff that could be dangerous. But, the thing is that you know it is dangerous, your kid doesn’t. So, you must keep a check on what sort of people are they talking to and what are they chatting about. Simple communication would be enough for you to know if the other person is harmful to your kid.


4. Bullying


When they are handed the phones, it is easier for them to connect to other people. Those people cannot be friends always. Sometimes, they are people who want to tease your kid and they do it by any means possible.


By monitoring your kids’ text messages, you can know this as well. You can figure out if your kid is being bullied or humiliated by someone. If that is the case, and your kid is not telling you, you have to jump in to protect your kid.


5. Changed Habits


If you see them using their phones more and ignoring all the other things they used to do, it is the point of worry for you. Sometimes, kids lose their appetite, forget their favorite activities, and just cling on to their mobile phones for some reason. Parents must find that reason.


Who are they texting when they are ignoring food? Are they avoiding family meetings as well? Do they still show interest in playing football? If not, track them, monitor them and know what is keeping them this much busy?


How to Monitor Your Kids Text Messages?


When you have finally decided to get on this track, a good parental control app can help you monitor your kid's messages easily. Not only that, but these apps also offer social media monitoring, call and messages monitoring, and much more.


SecureTeen is one of the best parental control apps that offer you more than just one feature. Now, you can monitor your kids’ calls and messages, and control their screen time under the same roof. You just have started using it and you will step into the era of new smart parenting.


The reason to pursue this should teach your kids about the dangers that are hovering their heads when they are using a smartphone. Not to make them fearful, but they should be taught the correct way of using their privacy, knowing other person’s intentions, and not to trust strangers ever.


You must maintain a healthy connection with your kids to share this stuff with them. They should feel like they can be open with you whenever they want to. They must be able to share their problems with you whenever something wrong happens. Because the worse scenario is when they are unable to share anything with you out of shame or guilt. So, encourage them to communicate openly.


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