The Use of Monitoring and Location Tracking Devices and Apps

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Do you think monitoring and location tracking devices are an invasion of someone’s privacy? Well, not only you but most of the parents think the same way. They are of this opinion that if they track their kids, they might end up losing their kids because of violating their rights of privacy and betraying them. But, it doesn’t always have to go like this, does it? You don’t need to betray them when you can make them understand the need for these things.

First, you must know why you need to monitor or track your kids. If you think it is safe for them to be out there with the cases of suicide, harassment, and predation rising every day, then you don’t know the reality. These cases are increasing because of the carelessness of parents like us. We think our kids can handle anything that comes across them but we often forget that they are still kids. What if an adult tries to grope them? Harass them? What if their friends bully them? What if they are betrayed on social media platforms? Do you think they can handle everything?

Kids are innocent and even if they are smart, some things are beyond their age limit and mental capacity. They are very much prone to be the victim or to become the bully or harasser themselves. One bad company can lead to lifetime regrets for you and your family. You might have given them mobile phones as you deem them deserving of it, but do you know how social media is playing its role in ruining our youth? Most of the dangers in society are inducing from the excessive and inappropriate use of social media.

Why Do You Need Monitoring and Location Tracking Devices/Apps?

Let’s look into some of the basic reasons that will convince you to believe that these apps/devices are required in today’s era. These dangers have not emerged from a land far away, this is all happening around us. Let’s take a look:


Be it social media, the school, or anywhere else they go, adults are looking for innocent kids to make their targets. These adults usually play real nice with your kids giving all the love and care they think they need, thus earning their trust. Once done, they easily make the kids do whatever they wish. They can make them the victim of their sexual desires, make them do weird things, thus ruining their childhood. They can even reach to your house with the help of your kids.


Bullying and cyberbullying can never get old. Long before the common use of the internet, bullying used to be restricted to schools only, and students were able to handle that. But now, it has gotten out of hands, Even the kids themselves are using every way possible to pursue this path. They are using social media platforms for their interest and it is getting worse day by day. Kids are even committing suicide because of the humiliation they have to face due to bullying. The level of humiliation is also increasing every day.

·Social Relationships

Yes, social relationships are a thing now. Kids often turn towards social media to seek the love and attention that they don’t get from home or at least they think they didn’t. In such a case, it takes no time for them to develop relationships and take them to every possible intense level. Soon, they get too much involved that they start sharing everything with their online partners. The most common activity being observed among kids is sexting where they send inappropriate and sexual text, photos, and videos to each other. This stuff is then later used by their partners to humiliate them. Kids never realize this before it is too late.

·Private Information

Kids become too much excited for making new relationships that they often end up sharing too much with strangers. They even create revealing profiles sharing almost everything from their home address to their number. They don’t know it yet, but sharing too much online is very dangerous because people are waiting for just this to happen so that they can reach you and put you in some danger. They even make kids share their parents’ credit card information just because kids trust them too much.

With these dangers out there, how can you possibly think that your kids are doing fine alone? They might not be telling you anything right now, but once they step out of the house, there are plenty of things that they have to face and you need to be there for them.

What Should Parents Do?

As a parent, you must keep an eye on your kids and talk to them about the dangers of the world they are living in. You must let them communicate with you so that they can be open with you regarding anything they feel. They must not seek love and care out there; this is something that they should get from home. Show them how much you love them and make them comfortable enough that they can talk to you about anything they want. Don’t make things worse by bashing them over little things.

Moreover, it is advisable to use monitoring and location tracking devices and apps to keep an eye on them. You need to make sure they are doing fine even if they don’t tell you. Also, if you are monitoring them, you can know the danger long before they do.

When searching for location tracking apps, you will find numerous apps. SecureTeen is by far the most authentic and amazing parental control app that not only lets you track their location but also lets you monitor their social media accounts, manage their screen time, track their calls, SMS, and much more. With such amazing features, you can easily know when your child is in danger and when is the right time to help.