I Hereby Resolve to be the Best Parent This Year Round

There is something very powerful about New Year’s resolutions. You scratch an old period of your life and make room for a new one. You are not only making space for what’s ahead but also creating a conscious effort to trim and right your sails for the rest of your lives. Every so often one sees parents of teenagers challenged with bringing up their teens. And every single one of them is exceptional because they love, they care and never give up on their teens. They rise above their own fears to give what they think is best for their children.

By the time you’re a parent to a teenager, you would have had your fair share of mistakes as well as a few successes as far as parenting is concerned. Here are a few New Year’s resolutions that might help you improve as a parent. No, this does not include late curfews but here are other ways you can improve:

I hereby resolve to:
  • Let go of the future and see every situation from my teen’s perspective as well as my own: And when you can’t, fake it… pretty soon it will be real.
  • Listen to them: Listen actively when your teens speak. When parents hear their teens but don’t listen, teens share less with them. Everyone has a right to a point of view of their own and be heard when even when others disagree.
  • Not to judge your teen: Look at your teen with a healing eye. Despite the blunders they make and the mess they create, do not judge them but have faith in their abilities and patience when you deal with them.
  • Empathize and validate: When they tell you something, empathize with your teen and validate the facts so as to make sure you have not heard or perceived incorrectly.
  • Let go of your differences and enjoy what you can together. Put more emphasis on cherishing what you share rather than focusing only on your differences.
  • Wait to be asked for help: As parents, you want to rectify every wrong in your teen’s life. But you must understand that you are not just bringing up kids but future independent adults who will become responsible members of the society. They must make their contribution to the society and act for themselves. Unlike when they were younger, they need their parents to wait before they jump into their teen’s life.
  • Be a part of their world: Spend quality time with your teen. Communicate with them and know their world and be an important part of it.

Let them know that you love them. Tell them often that despite your differences with them, the love that you have for them is real and constant.

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