Teens and online safety: The social media talk that cannot wait

With social media becoming the core component of teen culture in today’s digital age, kids passing through their adolescent years have grown more comfortable baring their souls on the Internet in the form of selfies, giving little thought to privacy and the potential dangers they may be attracting by making their lives too public. This virtual environment is ideal for the cyberbullies to thrive in, who are more than happy to capitalize on the opportunities presented to them. Parents need to realize the potential negative impact of social media on teenagers’ lives, help kids realize the potential threats, especially of cyberbullying on social networking sites, and teach them how to stay safe on the Internet.

The consequences of irresponsible social media usage

Before you start discussing the guidelines to how to stay safe on the Internet for kids with your teen, you need to make them aware of the implications of not using the technology responsibly. Warn them that the photos, video, and anything else that they share online can be seen by people across the globe and that this content may remain in cyber space for years to come, thus capable of making an undesirable impact on their lives even years after. Talk to them about the selfies culture and how sharing their private moments online can leave them susceptible to cyberbullies, who may misuse these pictures, blackmail them, spread rumors, or attack them with hurtful words. Also talk to them about how relying on the number of likes they received on a shared photo or video to measure their value can make them vulnerable to low self-esteem and depression, as it’s not an accurate scale.

How parents can keep their kids safe

While installing monitoring software on whatever digital device your teen uses to access social media is your safest bet to keep them out of harm’s way and within limits, it’s equally important that you talk to them about what they should and shouldn’t do on the Internet. Educate them on what comprises responsible online behavior. This includes abstaining from sharing too much information about themselves, their family, or their friends. Also make them understand that it’s just as important to be polite online as it is offline. Picking fights, exchanging hurtful or abusive remarks, gossiping, etc. are all unacceptable behaviors. Teach them how to respond to cyberbullying, advising them to inform you or some other adult as soon as possible. Convincing them to refrain from posting selfies online may prove to be a challenge, since it’s a pretty popular way for kids to attack attention and gauge their popularity. Reinforce their belief and confidence in themselves by appreciating them for who they are and make them understand that self-worth cannot and should not be judged through likes and comments. Tell them not to give way too much importance to virtual life, as it’s the real world that matters more.

Teens are not always ready to accept the threats they may be leaving themselves vulnerable to by behaving irresponsibly online and baring their souls in cyber space. They may try to downplay their risky activities, and even deny doing certain things that you know they did. However, it’s imperative that you remain firmly committed to your efforts for keeping them safe online. Never let your guard down and make it a point to remind them of responsible social media behavior from time to time.

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