Do the Chores, or Lose Digital Privileges

Kids simply do not like doing chores. Their constant groans, complains and excuses may have already helped you realized this. Chances are you frequently find yourself chasing, scolding or begging your young ones to make some contribution to the house affairs, but to no avail. You probably feel as if your words are falling on deaf ears. Some parents, however, have found their way around this problem by blackmailing their offspring in helping around the house. They do this by linking digital privileges to chores for kids. Fully aware of how attached today’s generation is to the likes of cell phones, gaming consoles, Internet etc, these parents threaten to confiscate them in case the child refuses to do the chores they’re allotted. This may be blackmail, but it’s definitely not unjustified.

Kids and their love for technology

Born heavily reliant on different electronics for their social and entertainment needs, kids feel incompletely without technology. Their entire world seems to revolve around their cell phones, gaming consoles, Internet or TV. Parents who face difficulty in getting their kids to do their share of the work at home can use this obsession to their advantage With there being huge variety of gadgets for kids that parents can threaten to take away, they sure find themselves with a great opportunity to assert their authority and get the chores done.

Making kids earn their digital privileges

While not the most attractive and noble manner to get children to make contribution to household chores, using digital privileges and gadgets as a blackmail tool sure is effective. There is hardly anything politically or morally wrong with parents telling their kids that in order to enjoy their gaming console or cell phone, they need to earn them. Getting them to do physical work this way is beneficial for their development. They get to learn that in order to get anything, hard work is needed.

A lesson on responsibility

It is important to remember that independence starts at home. Keeping this in mind, you’ll find it easier to see the importance of teaching kids responsibility. By making kids do chores, parents can help their kids become more responsible. Responsibility is the first and most important step to independence, something that kids are often unaware of. In order to teach them to take responsibility around the house, parents are right to take help of their digital devices and privileges.

In order for the long-term good of kids, you may to do things that don’t sound very appropriate. The last thing you’d want to instilling in your child’s mind is that blackmailing is a powerful tool that actually works. However, this is a risk worth taking to help them become more helpful, more responsible and learn the importance of hard work.

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