Movies that prove that bullies are actually sore losers

Movies have the capacity to fill those uncomfortable voids that we experience at different intervals of the week. Movies provide the opportunity to family and friends to come together for the sake of entertainment and spend a memorable time together. Children are particularly fond of movies, especially the animated ones. When you decide to watch a movie with your kid over the weekend, here’s a list of movies/animations that you might enjoy watching. All movies mentioned in the list revolve around ways as how to prevent bullying. Movies can be a good source of information if you’re educating your children about issues concerned with real life situations.

The Fatboy Chronicles

The story revolves around an overweight teen, named Jimmy Winterpock, who enrolls in a new school. Naturally, he becomes the target of bullies in his classroom. Then Jimmy decides to keep a journal as a means to vent out his feelings through words. A day comes when Jimmy decides to lose weight and win over the girl he loves. The lesson to be learnt here is to find the inspiration from within to fight off negative forces in one’s life.


A teenager Taylor Hillridge becomes the target of cyberbullying by peers on a popular social website. When continuing cyber assaults destroys the confidence of Taylor, her mother steps in to save the day. The valuable lesson in this movie is to immediately report incidents of bullying to someone you trust. The second lesson is to stop reading or looking at things that disturbs you (social media and all).

The War

Stephen Simmons returns back home to Mississippi from the Vietnam War to face conflicts of a different kind. He has to struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder and unemployment, but manages to motivate his son to stand up to a group of bullies. The lesson here is that sometimes kids can also help parents sort through problems, as parents do for their kids.

Harry Potter movies

Harry and his friends have to face a lot of bullying at the hands of students belonging to different houses, but they fail to dampen the spirits of Harry and Co. Ultimately they all realize their true potential at the end of the series. The lesson here is to keep fighting on, under all odds, to achieve the best in life.

Toy Story

The character of Lotso in the animated film shows a power hungry bully who uses extreme psychological pressure to make the toys do things against their will. Kids can learn a lot from studying the bullying behavior of this character and learn ways as how to handle such kids.


Another good example of typical bullying behavior can be observed in the characters of Cinderella’s step sisters. Most people know who the prince chose as his princess at the end of the movie. Bullies always suck in the end.


In this classic animation, Dumbo, the elephant with gigantic ears, is made fun of by people and other circus animals. No one was laughing when Dumbo used his unusually big ears to good use. Seems like another loss for the bullies.

Movies on bullying can be fun to watch with your kids over the weekend. Stop wondering and go grab a copy of bullying movies you haven’t seen yet.

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