Teaching Teens the Art of Happiness

Many parents consider raising happy kids as the holy grail of parenting success, and understandably so. Teaching the young ones to have a bright outlook on life can be extremely beneficial to them not just during their adolescent years, but throughout their life. Teaching teens the art of happiness is not as complicated as it may sound. When learning how to raise a happy child, you just need to remember its importance and commit yourself to the task.

Why teach teens to be happy

As mentioned earlier, raising a happy child can have both short and long-term benefits. It enables them to grow strong, both physically and mentally. It also contributes to a better academic and athletic performance, which in turn can add to their happiness. Happy teens have an easier time forming and maintaining healthy relationships. A mastery over their mood also improves their coping skills, thus helping them grow more resilient.

Self-management habits for creating happiness

Teaching kids to be happy is as simple as getting them to develop the habit of exercising and eating healthy. Alright this may not be as simple as it sounds, but don’t give up trying. You should also support them as they explore and discover their own strategies for lifting their mood. If listening to a Jimi Hendrix guitar solo works for them, so be it. Just remember happiness is relative and everyone may have a slightly different way of getting there.

Teach them the art of managing moods

Moods may be tricky to control, but they can be changed consciously. The only challenging part of changing a mood is deciding to change it. When you find your teen in a good mood, ask them what it is that can make them happy no matter how angry or sad they are. This will not just help you learn about their mood-changer, but help them realize the power they have over their moods as well.

Model optimism

Kids learn to how to think and act from those near and dear to them. Use this knowledge to your advantage by modeling optimism around them in order to influence them into turning more positive towards life. Your consistency would matter a lot, as even a momentarily slip may undo your efforts.

Gratitude is the key to happiness

Getting your teens to realize that happiness isn’t getting something one doesn’t have, but is in fact appreciating what one does have can help them stay happy. Gratitude is indeed the key to happiness. Teach them to be grateful for what they have by modeling the attitude.

Media’s message of material happiness

While you may be busy teaching your teen attain true happiness, they may be getting a different lecture from the media. Advertisements in particular may be defining happiness in materialistic terms and exaggerated it to the extent of distortion of reality. Be quick to counteract these messages before your teen gets brainwashed into believing that happiness can be bought and that money is an essential ingredient.

Successfully raising a happy teen will indeed be an achievement that you can be proud of throughout your life. Yes, your child may face challenging times and struggle to remember the lessons that you taught them, but that’s just a part of life. Just remember that such an important lesson will never go to waste.

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