How to Say “No” To Teens without Hurting Their Feelings

Saying no is always difficult, whether you are saying it to a thirteen years old kid or a 50 years old adult. However, sometimes you just have to say it no matter how bad or guilty you feel. Problem occurs when you’re saying no to teens, as they are not good at taking no for an answer. Here is a parenting advice for teenagers you must follow if you want to avoid the tension and argument that normally follows a “No”.

Say No but Explain Why

Teens cannot just accept a straightforward “No”, they need the reason behind it, and the reason should be logical. So always think for a minute before saying no. Come up with a solid reason that supports your decision. For instance, if your youngster is asking for an expensive handset and you want to say no, tell him that it’s due to your tight budget.

Be Polite and Reasonable

If you do not agree with your kid on something, then it does not mean that you lose your temper or become harsh. Say no to your kids as politely as you so that they don’t feel hurt. Statements like “I am sorry but I cannot allow you to do this” or “I understand your situation completely, but I cannot give it to you” always work. Be reasonable while saying no. Do not abuse your authority by refusing your kids’ demands all the time. Only say no to things which you really feel are not good for them.

Listen to Teen’s Point of View

Let the kid tell his point of view before saying no or yes. Some parents directly say no without even listening to what their kids have to say. This cause resentment among kids and they also start to feel that you do not care about their emotions. Listen to them first, and then ask for some time to think before finally saying no, if necessary.

Remain Calm but Be Assertive

Some teens are clever enough to get yes for an answer even if the parents refuse to give in at first. What if your teens start shouting at a public place or let a few tears drop to get what they want? In this case, you will be left with no other option but to listen to them as no one wants to create drama at a public place. If your kid emotionally blackmails you, throws a tantrum, or gets extra caring just to convert your no to yes, then you have to remain calm but assertive. Do not change your decision, otherwise kids will stop taking you and your decisions seriously. Avoid saying no if you cannot stick to it. Sometime, it’s okay to become rigid, especially when you are sure that saying yes can be detrimental to your teen’s overall well-being.

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