Helping Your Kid Curb Their Celebrity Obsession

Justin Beiber, Miley Cyrus, Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears – the list of celebrities behaving badly in public goes on and on. Reality television shows and social media add fuel to the fire by publicizing the bad behavior. Children and teens assume they need to look up to these celebrities and emulate them. Celebrities’ influence on teenager’s today is immeasurable. We see teens getting involved in drugs, guns and many other bad habits just because a celeb did it and got away with it. As parents, we have the responsibility to make sure our teen is idolizing the right person.

Teens are very vulnerable. They tend to get impressed with the attics of these pop icons pull to make themselves more popular. It is however hard for them to understand talent and heroism make a star but true heroism lies in a strong character. Kids hold celebrities to very high standards and react when they see them behaving badly.

A Child’s Developmental Age

Children under the age of 10 usually lack ability to think abstractly. They can’t comprehend that a celebrity can be popular and pretty but can also indulge in bad behavior. Start by explaining to your child that the heroes they worship is a human being and has the tendency to get involved in heinous activities. Don’t focus on the negativity but ease them into thinking abstractly about a celebrity.

Don’t Editorialize

Don’t share your opinion on anything or tag something good or bad before listening to what your child has to say.

Use Celebrities And Their Recent Negativity

Explain to your kid that a celebrity might be idolized solely on the basis of his or her talents but cannot be called a hero because of their negative image in public.

Make Sure You Child Know Who A Hero Is

Define who a hero is. Give them an example of your hero. Make sure they know the difference between appreciating someone for their talent and idolizing them for it. They need to know how not to get influenced by the celebrities they admire for their talent and performance.

Monitor Your Child’s Celebrity Idol Worship

Kids who are over-focused on celebrities and their behavior in public are more likely to be influenced by them. It is important to be aware of how your kid is reacting to their favorite celebrity and are they going overboard with it or not?

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