Teens and Depression: Don’t just be a Silent Spectator

Depression is a common among people of all ages, and teens are no exception to this. In fact, it is a part of growing-up. Teens go through a lot of physical, mental and emotional changes which sometimes make them very sensitive. That is why they get hurt easily. In extreme cases, they even want to commit suicide as their mind fails to accept the reality. Death of a close person, divorce or separation of parents, bullying at school, cyberbullying, relationship issues, etc. are some other causes of depression among teens.

How can parents help teens suffering from depression? Here are a few do’s and don’ts to consider.

What to Do

Educate Yourself:The first thing you must do is get yourself educated about teen depression, especially if this is your first child. There is a lot of stuff available online that will be helpful for you. Getting awareness about teen depression will definitely help you in handing the teen. Depression is different from hopelessness and sadness, and it also has certain physical symptoms like sudden change in weight, loss of appetite, sleeping disorders, etc. Watch for these signs. And please, do not confuse teen depression with adult depression. Teens may easily get depressed on things which are normal for adults.

Understand His Feelings and Support Him: Remember the time you were a teen, the problems you faced, the way you reacted, the things that bothered you. Just relate it to your kid. He might be facing the same issues you once did. Do not judge him, instead understand and respect his feelings. Provide unconditional support to teens, as it will help them in getting out of this phase. Spend quality time with the teen, take care of his health and food, encourage him to take part in physical activities, appreciate him for his good things, and make him feel how special he is to you.

Listen to Him: Listen to teens no matter how difficult it is. This is a good way of making teens feels that they are not alone. This will also help you in knowing the underlying problem behind depression. Some teens may have “do not disturb me” note on their door, but get them to open up to you. Wait until they get ready to share their feelings and emotions with you even if it takes a few days. Just don’t give up.

Be Patient and Consistent: Teens are volatile, impatient, and emotional during depression, so you must be prepared for facing the worst. Never show anger on their actions no matter how annoyed you are. Keep silent and stay calm. This phase will soon be over so it is very important for you to remain composed.

Encourage Teen to Socialize: Make the teen realize that he is surrounded by friends and family. Encourage him to spend time with people he is close to. Give him company of good people who are his well-wishers, people who love him and want him to be happy.

What Not to Do

Don’t Give Lectures: The last thing you should be doing is giving lectures, as it is not the good time for it. Do not make them feel guilty. Just listen to him, understand his issues and try to solve them.

Don’t Blame Him: Sometimes, parents fail to understand that teen is suffering from depression, and they keep on blaming him for poor grades, rude behavior etc. If your kid is not listening to you, or is showing negative behavior, then try to find the root cause behind it instead of showing anger.

Don’t Force Him to Talk: Teens do not want to talk to anyone about their physical and mental state of mind, at least not during first few days of depression. Give him time to understand what happened to them, and how he can get out of it. Continue showing care and love to him during this time, but avoid forcing him to talk. Your teen will approach you for sharing his feelings once he is ready.

Please note that it is very common for teens to face depression, so there is not much to worry about. They will definitely get through this situation, though your love and constant support is crucial. If the depression stays for more than 2 weeks, then it is better to seek professional help to avoid any serious issue.

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